Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thoughts, God and Life

For the past few months my higher source of truth has been teaching me great lessons. How grateful I am for these lessons. Let me tell you about them.

I have been reading such a great book. It is called, The Trapp Family Singers by Maria Von Trapp. Ever heard of The Sound of Music? This is the true story. This book is full of epiphanies for me. I could copy half of the book into my journal. Maria was a woman of great faith, vision and gratitude. Humble and teachable, she learned at the feet of many a great mentor. After a few years in the convent her mother superior called her to her office and asked, "Tell me, Maria, which is the most important lessons our old Nonnberg (convent) has taught you?" She replied, "The only important thing on Earth is to find out what the will of God is and to do it. Even if it is not pleasant or if it is hard, perhaps very hard."

I have been struggling with the concepts in the book The JackRabbit Factor and books like the Secret and Law of Attraction. The overall feeling is one of greed, desire and materialism. I realize that they add the obligatory category of relationship etc, but the overall feel is, what do I want and how fast can I get it. Yes they do emphasis gratitude which is such an important principle but as I have been taught and studied these concepts I found something very important missing.

The Universe ( I would call the concept of the universe, My Heavenly Father or God) is a very loving, giving entity. I also believe that He is all knowing and as such has a specific plan for each of us individually. The Bible does say, "ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." Matthew 7:7 It also says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33 How do we reconcile these two passages?

I believe that Maria von Trapp helps us understand how to meld these principles together. Her answer to Mother Abbess is our answer. If our will is in alignment with God's will our requests will be given, found and opened. If it is not, our requests may or may not be filled. I also feel that if our requests may not be the best for us, God with his vision of the big picture , will not grant them. So why think positively? Why dream, plan, ask, work hard, listen to our intuition or seek joy?

Here is where remembering comes in. My belief is that we are on Earth to fulfill a mission, a specific mission made just for us. Within us somewhere is the knowledge of this mission. When we dream, plan and seek joy we are led to these missions. As we are led to these missions there will be obsticles; lack of money, lack of time, life trageties etc. This is where ask, seek and knock come into play. Faith is crucial. Gratitude is of utmost importance. Finding out the will of God and doing it, is the most important thing on Earth.

Now that I have found the missing part to the "Secret", "Law of Attraction", and "Law of Thought", I feel confident in moving forward in my quest to share the knowledge I have been given in regards to these concepts. I THINK I CAN is a vehicle through which I will share this knowledge. This knowledge is vital in achieving God's will for us and the mission He expects us to carry out here on Earth. "As a man thinketh so is he", is a true principle.

If this intrigues you, continue to check out this website and come to one of our seminars. You will be glad you did, because there is no greater joy than living a purpose and mission driven life.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The JackRabbit Factor

The JackRabbit Factor is a book by Leslie Householder. I read it in one day and really couldn't put it down. I have spoken with a few people who disagree with my opinion of this book and so I thought that I would write about how the book affected me.

This book is about the Law of Thought, the Law of Attraction or The Secret etc. It is a fable about a young father who is at the end of his rope, filled with hopelessness and an inability to provide well for his family. As we begin the story, the wife is berating him for his inabilities. They are having a doozy of a fight, a fight that seems to be very common between them. Out of sheer frustration the husband calmly leaves and walks into the woods near their home. The wife is shaken by this, as this is a new ending to the dance they usually do about finances. She convinces herself that her husband is upset enough to take his own life and begins to panic. She and her four year old son try to find the husband in the woods but cannot. In the meantime the husband has drifted off into dream land where he is taught the Law of Thought.

This beginning reminded me of the wife I use to be. I was so absorbed in my own world, my own worries and insecurities that I lashed out at my husband for his seemingly lack of caring about our finances. I see now that this was a very selfish and hideous attempt at motivation and encouragement. How grateful I am for the knowledge I now have about fulfilling my role as wife. A great book to read in regards to this subject is The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.

Now for my thoughts concerning the rest of the book. We are taught through story the Law of Thought and in a way that is very thorough. We begin to see that our higher power loves us beyond our imagination and desires to give us many great things. He desires us to be able to provide well for our families, to be surrounded by beauty and to give generously.

It has been mentioned that the Law of Thought requires no sacrifice, no labor, but I believe, having tried for many years to practice the law, that it requires a great sacrifice and a great labor. You must give up the traditions of your fathers, the things you were taught about dreaming and abundance. You must give up philosophies which bring comfort and a false sense of security. Wallace D. Wattles said, "There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought." To envision a dream in great enough detail as to create it in reality takes much labor. There are some who were born with the gift to dream. Some may need to awaken the gift again and others may need to practice and develop the gift. It takes work and that is why so many people disregard the Law of Thought as hogwash, child's play etc.

What is the Law of Thought? Some of you may wonder what I am talking about. This is the Law of Thought in a nutshell. Desire something, dream about it, write it down, ask your higher power if it is in alignment with your purpose or mission, concentrate on it, be grateful for it, continue to visualize it in your mind and little by little you will be inspired to act, or someone will come into your life who will lead you to it, your dream, your desire.

This book teaches about faith, trust, belief and abundance.


We are really doing it. I can't believe we are acting on our impressions and following through with inspiration. I have such gratitude for the inspiration and impressions and for good friends who are helping me to have the courage to act. I am so excited to begin this journey. May all who read this blog feel courage to follow their dreams and Think that they CAN.